Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Slavery in Brazil

Edmund Burke, the acclaimed author and philosopher once said, â€Å"Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil. † Between the 16th and 19th century in the Americas, millions on millions of slaves were brought to the New World. There purpose was to work. The economy of most European colonies in America was dependent on slaves. The land that was discovered in Americas was useless with out sufficient slave labor to exploit it. In this essay, I will focus on two nations where slavery played an enormous role in the development of that country. First, The United States, where in 1860 in South Carolina over 50 percent of the population were slaves.Next, Brazil, the nation where about one third of all salves from Africa were brought. In this essay I will compare slavery in The United States to slavery in Brazil, I will dissect the similarities and differences while focusing on why and how the slaves came, the demographic and religious aspects, the treatment of the slaves, and the afte rmath on both countries due to slavery. Around the year 1530 the Portuguese came to Brazil in search of land and natural resources, specifically sugar. As the Portuguese and the indigenous people of Brazil battled for land, the Brazilians resisted against being enslaved.As the Portuguese presence grew in Brazil so did disease, causing the death of most of the working indigenous people. As the number of sugar plantations grew, the demand for workers did as well. This is the main reason why Brazil began to import slaves from Africa. Although the origin of slaves in The United States was similar to Brazil, there were some differences. In the year 1619, only around 10 years after the British began to colonize US, a Dutch slave trader exchanged about 20 Africans for food in Jamestown, Virginia. Like Brazil, the U. S needed workers for plantations, but while Brazil focused on the sugar plantations, the U.S was focused on the tobacco plantations. In general, both Brazil and the U. S lacked a major resource in order to maintain a strong economy, that resource being workers. Although Brazil used more slaves towards sugar and the U. S used more towards tobacco, in general the slaves worked in mines or they worked in a sugar, rice, tobacco, or cotton plantation. Although the U. S played a larger role in the process, both Brazil and the U. S participated in the Triangular Slave Trade. Some say the Triangular Slave Trade is the reason why 10 to 15 million of Africans were shipped to the Americas between 1650 and 1860.The slave trade was simple yet wrong on so many levels. The slave trade took several different routes, but there were two popular ones. The most common route would first start in Europe where the Europeans would trade manufactured goods for slaves in Africa. Next, the slaves were transported across the Atlantic Ocean to Brazil and the Caribbean where the slaves were sold for huge profits or traded for sugar, coffee, and tobacco. The journey from Africa to the Americas was known as the middle passage. Olaudah Equiano was a slave captured and sold into slavery.In his book, The Life of Olaudah Equiano the African, when describing the middle passage he writes, â€Å"I was soon put down under the decks, and there I received such a greeting in my nostrils as I had never experienced in my life; I became so sick and low that I was not able to eat. I now wished for the last friend, death, to relieve me; but soon, to my grief, two of the white men offered me eatables; and, on my refusing to eat, one of them held me fast by the hands, and laid me across, The white people looked and acted, as I thought, in so savage a manner; for I had never seen among my people such instances of brutal cruelty.The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, almost suffocated us. The air soon became unfit for respiration, from a variety of loathsome smells, and brought on a sickness among the slaves, of which many died. The shrieks of the women, and the gr oans of the dying, rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceivable. As you can tell, the conditions were brutal to say the least. Another popular triangular route taken was ships from the U. S colonies would take rum and other products to Africa in exchange for Slaves.From there, the slaves were taken to Brazil and the Caribbean and sold for profit or sold for sugar and molasses to take back to the U. S where then the sugar and molasses was sold to rum makers. In general, the slave trade was horrific and inhumane, however, it is the reason that the U. S and Brazil were able to maintain a steady economy. Although there were many similarities between the Brazilian slaves and the U. S slaves, there were quite a few specific differences as well. One of the largest differences in slavery between Brazil and the U. S was demographic.Generally speaking, the Brazilian slaves were usually decreasing while the U. S slaves were usually increasing. This is due to several reasons. First , the Brazilians had a much lower proportion of female slaves compared to the U. S who had an equal sex ratio. In Brazil, due to the lack of female slaves, they had a much lower birth rate then the U. S did. Both the death rate and suicide rate was also higher in Brazil compared to the U. S. Due to the low birthrate and the high death rate, Brazil had trouble to maintain a population resulting in having to continuously import slaves.On the other hand, the average number of children born to an early 19th century U. S slave woman was 9. 2; this is twice as many as Brazil and the Caribbean. All these reasons are why Brazil had a much larger number of recent arrivals from Africa while the U. S had a predominately American slave born population. Also, this is why out of the millions and millions of Africans who were brought to the New World, over one-third landed in Brazil and between 60 and 70 percent ended up in Brazil or the sugar colonies of the Caribbean.According to Henry John Temp le, the well-known British Prime Minister of the 19th century, he suggests that there were about 3,000,000 slaves in Brazil in the 19th century. Although it is hard to know the exact number, most historians agree that it was around 3,000,000, which would be about forty percent of the whole population. On the other side, in 1860, the slaves in the U. S were only about 13 percent of the entire population. Generally speaking, in Brazil slaves worked on much larger plantations then in the U. S.Most Brazilian plantations held about 150 slaves per plantation. In the U. S, it was quite different. According to Carl Deglar, who wrote, Slavery in Brazil and the United States, he states, â€Å"Out of all the plantations in the U. S, more the half the slaves worked on units with 20 slaves or less. † In the U. S it would not be uncommon for the slaves to deal with their owners on a daily basis, while in Brazil some worked on plantations with hundreds and hundreds of other slaves where it would be rare to encounter your owner. When comparing Brazil and the U.S today, the demographic differences during the days of slavery is one of the main reasons why the two countries are so different One may think that since the slaves were brought to the U. S and Brazil for similar reasons then they all were treated the same, had the same rights, and were viewed the same. Although this is by no means entirely false, there are a few specific differences on how the slaves were treated in the US compared to how the slaves were treated in Brazil. Religion among the slaves was vital for some while non-existent for others. In the U.S, religion was discouraged for the slaves. The average white American slave owner thought there was no need to ever have a slave practice a religion. This could be due to the fact that nowhere in the Catholic Christian teachings does it say it’s acceptable to enslave and treat a fellow Christian as the owners were treating their slaves. In 1831, Virgi nia passed a law stating, â€Å"Slaves and free Negroes were forbidden to preach, exhort or teach in any prayer-meeting or other association for worship where slaves of different families are collected together on penalty of not more than thirty-nine lashes. In Brazil, the Christianity of a slave was viewed quite different. Some slave owners even viewed it as an essential for a slave to work on his farm. In some cases the slaves would even have to perform a religious ritual even before they stepped foot in Brazil. Instead of being viewed as complete property, the slaves in Brazil were given a chance to practice a religion, in particular, practice the teachings of the Catholic Church. The slaves that departed from Angola, Africa to Brazil were baptized before they got on board the ship.When they arrived in Brazil, the slaves were acknowledged as baptized and had to begin learning the prayers, doctrines, and functions of the Church. In Brazil, marriage was actually acceptable and val id. In 1711, the Constituicoes Primeiras of the Archbishopric of Bahia reaffirmed the legitimacy of marriages between slaves, and between free persons and slaves. According to the Constituicoes, masters could not prevent their slaves from marrying, nor could they separate them once they had wed. Although this may sound promising, it sounds better then it actually was.Most slave owners did not abide by the law that you could not separate a married slave. In general, they still viewed them more as property then people. According to Fernando Henrique Cardoso, the former president of Brazil, he states, â€Å"Of the 660,000 slaves in all of Brazil in 1875, who were 14 years or older, only about 1 out of 6 was recorded as married or widowed. † In terms of religion, it is true that the Brazilian slaves had more rights then the U. S slaves, but not by much. As you can see both the U.S and Brazilian slave owners were more determined on making profit by making the slaves strenuously wo rk then anything else. Although both Brazil and U. S slave owners had complete ownership and control over their slave, the way they treated them did differ between countries. Theoretically, both Brazil and the U. S had laws against murder, abuse, and over working the slave. The difference is, generally speaking, in Brazil some of those laws were carried out while in the U. S, it was rare to see anyone ever defend a slave. In the U. S, the slave owner acted as the judge and jury for any issue involving his slave.In Brazil, a slave had somewhat of a right to a jury. For instance, say a slave owner murdered his slave in the U. S. In most cases it would go unheard of, but even if it were taken to court, it would have been extremely rare if the owner were prosecuted for anything. Now, if a slave owner murdered his slave in Brazil, by law the court should have prosecuted the case as if the slave was a free man. Although it may sound that slavery in Brazil was a lot less harsh, in reality, this judicial approach in Brazil is what should have happened, but as you can guess, it rarely ever did.Henry Koster, a famous German author and film director, in his novel, Travels to Brazil, he states, â€Å"occasionally a cruel master was fined for maltreating his slaves but, I have never heard of a punishment having been carried farther then this trifling manner of correction. † Although by law, the Brazilians compared to the U. S had stricter laws protecting the slaves, when it comes down to the truth, in both countries the slave was viewed more as property then human, mistreating your slave was seen as mistreating your property. One of the biggest differences when comparing U.S slavery to Brazilian slavery concerns manumission. Manumission, meaning the act of freeing a slave, was undoubtedly less common in the U. S compared to Brazil. The number proportion of free slaves in Brazil compared to the number proportion to free slaves in the U. S proves that manumission was more frequent in Brazil. In 1818, for every one free African in Brazil, there were only three slaves. This ratio is compared to with that in the U. S in 1860, when for every one free African, there were eight slaves. By 1872, the number of free Africans in Brazil was more then double the amount that were still slaves.The numbers show that there’s indisputable evidence to prove that manumission was more frequent in Brazil. It is important to note that Brazilian slave owners were freeing the sick and the old more so then the U. S, however, the sick and the old simply would not have been capable to produce offspring in numbers to explain the large number of free Africans in Brazil. Marvin Harris, the famous American anthropologist, along with many other historians suggests another explanation to why there were such a higher percentage of free Africans in Brazil compared to The United States.As stated before, in Brazil in the late 19th century, the free Africans greatly outnumber ed the slaves. The big difference was that Brazil needed those free Africans in order to maintain their economy. The free black slaves in Brazil produced food, were craftsmen, and even slave catchers. They performed the tasks that slave labor was too hard to achieve and the whites thought they were too good to do. This was not the occurrence in The United States. First, the U. S was importing more food rather then growing it like Brazil did, and the food that was being produced in the U.S was produced by whites in the South and Northwest. Also, the U. S had enough white men to perform the tasks that the free Africans in Brazil were doing. Therefore, for the U. S there was no economic reason for the whites to turn towards manumission as Brazil did. It did not matter if you were a slave in Brazil, The United States, Caribbean, Central America, or anywhere else, something that they all had in common was the attempt to run and become a free man. Some succeeding, some did not. In Brazil, escaped slaves formed communities like the ones they were forced to leave in their homeland.These communities were called quilombos. Compared to the U. S, the slaves in Brazil had a greater and a better chance for escape. The number of escaped slaves, the number of revolts, and the size of the quilombos were all greater in Brazil. Although there were plenty of revolts and escapes in the US, generally speaking, there were fewer participants then Brazil. In most of The United States, the climate was to cold in the winter to survive on your own compared to Brazil where the climate was reasonable. Also, Brazil was full of forests to hide in compared to the U. S where the areas were policed heavier.The large quilomobs communities in Brazil may contribute to the fact that today, in Brazil the blacks are seen as Brazilians while in certain parts of The United States, the blacks are still seen as Africans. During the days of slavery, discrimination towards blacks was clearly brutal and rut hless. The horrific and saddest result of slavery in The United States is that race prejudice still exists today. I am not saying that blacks are thought of as they were in the 18th century, but in The United States today, especially in the South, there is still discrimination towards colored people.After slavery was abolished in The United States, by no mean did that make the whites and blacks have equal rights. Even after the abolition of slavery, a black man still could not vote, give testimony in court for a white man, marry white women, hold office, and many other terrible things. Brazil, on the other hand, as writer Herbert Alexander puts it, â€Å"the race problem had been allowed to solve itself. † For example, in the seventeenth century, one of the three main officers when the Brazilians fought the Dutch was Henrique Diaz, a black man.This is something you would have never saw in The United States. The United States and Brazil were one of the last nations to abolish slavery in all of the Americas. The Civil War, which lasted from 1861 to 1865, ended slavery in the United States. In 1888, due to international political pressure, Brazil being the last nation to do it in the Americas, finally abolished slavery. Unlike The United States, Brazil was able to abolish slavery with out catastrophic violence. In both Brazil and The United States, the horrific terror of slavery in the 16th to 19th century is something everyone would want to forget.However, during that time period slavery was the reason why both The United States and Brazil’s economies were both stable and on the rise. Overall, when looking into the history of slavery in both The United States and Brazil, although there are differences and similarities, the time period of slavery explains greatly to why present day life in both unique countries is what it is. Bibliography Alexander, Herbert B. â€Å"Brazilian and United States Slavery Compared. † – Wikisource, the Free Online Library. N. p. , 2 Feb. 2001. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. Bergad, Laird W.The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2007. Print. Brogan, Hugh. The Penguin History of the United States of America. London: Penguin, 2001. Print. Carmody, Padraig. â€Å"Unit Three: Studying Africa through the Humanities. † Exploring Africa. N. p. , 4 Nov. 2002. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. Carter, Tom. â€Å"Race and Slavery in America. † Opinion Forum RSS. N. p. , 28 Feb. 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. Davis, David Brion. Inhuman Bondage: The Rise and Fall of Slavery in the New World. New York: Oxford UP, 2008. Print. Degler, Carl N.Slavery in Brazil and the United States: An Essay in Comparative History. 4th ed. Vol. 75. Washington, D. C.? : American Historical Association. , 1970. Print. â€Å"Differences In Slave Laws In Colonial Brazil And Colonial British North. † 123HelpMe. com. 10 Dec 2012 Dodson, Howard. â€Å"How Slavery Helped B uild a World Economy. † National Geographic. N. p. , 3 Feb. 2003. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. Equiano, Olaudah, and Shelly Eversley. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, Or, Gustavus Vassa, the African. New York: Modern Library, 2004. Print. Foner, Eric. Give Me Liberty! An American History. New York: W. W. Norton &, 2008. Print. Gomez, Flavio S. Africans and Slave Marriages in Eighteenth-century Rio De Janeiro. N. p. : Sheridan, n. d. Print. Koster, Henry. Travels to Brazil. New York: Kessinger, 2012. Print. Mattoso, Katia MAE. To Be a Slave in Brazil, 1550-1888. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers UP, 1986. Print. Mintz, Sean. â€Å"American Slavery in Comparative Perspective. † Digital History Copyright. Mintz S and McNeil S, 3 Jan. 2003. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. Paine, Thomas. â€Å"African Slavery in America. † Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser. Philadelphia] 14 Apr. 1775: n. pag. Print. Reis, Joao Jose. Slave Rebellion in Brazil: The Muslim Uprisi ng of 1835 in Bahia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. Print. Tony, Dunnel. â€Å"History of African Slavery in Brazil. † Suite101. com. The University of Nottingham, 8 Sept. 2009. Web. 12 Dec. 2012. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Laird W Bergad. The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States. Print. 115-120 [ 2 ]. Herbert B. Alexander â€Å"Brazilian and United States Slavery Compared. † Web. 12 Dec. 2012. [ 3 ]. Olaudah Equiano.The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano. Print. 35 [ 4 ]. Sean Mintz. â€Å"American Slavery in Comparative Perspective. † Web. 12 Dec. 2012. [ 5 ]. Laird W Bergad. The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States. Print. 115-120 [ 6 ]. Jose Joao Reis. Slave Rebellion in Brazil: The Uprising of 1835 in Bahia. Print. 8 [ 7 ]. Laird W Bergad. The Comparative Histories of Slavery in Brazil, Cuba, and the United States. Print. 117 [ 8 ]. Carl N. Degler. Slavery in Brazil and the United States: An Essay in Comparative History. Print. 006 [ 9 ]. Herbert B. Alexander â€Å"Brazilian and United States Slavery Compared. † Web. 12 Dec. 2012. [ 10 ]. Flavio S. Gomez. Africans and Slave Marriages in Eighteenth-century Rio De Janeiro. Print. 42-50 [ 11 ]. Carl N. Degler. Slavery in Brazil and the United States: An Essay in Comparative History. Print. 1009 [ 12 ]. Henry Koster. Travels to Brazil. Print. 77 [ 13 ]. Carl N. Degler. Slavery in Brazil and the United States: An Essay in Comparative History. Print. 1012 [ 14 ]. Herbert B. Alexander â€Å"Brazilian and United States Slavery Compared. † Web. 12 Dec. 2012.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Curriculum Development Class Reflection Paper

Two separate classmates asked me education questions two nights ago, Wednesday, 17 and based on what I have learned in our class, I could answer them. Until then, I did not realize what an impact this class had on my educational training. At the end of the summer, I will graduate with a Master’s in Business Education, and be a student teacher in the fall. In my business education courses, I have learned about professional organizations, endorsements, textbook adoption, and a few smaller topics. One class did focus a lot on the syllabus, unit plan, lesson plan, setting measurable objectives, and following the core standards.When I started thinking on what my â€Å"take away† is from this course, I realized that it is about 90% of the course. The other 10%, I actually knew. Since you probably do not want me to write a book, I am going to pick out the topics that grabbed my attention the most. Prior to beginning this course, I knew changes had occurred in how knowledge was delivered to students in the classroom. What I did not realize was how much was involved in the development of curriculum and the extent to which it has changed in such a short time.It has always been my perception that teachers knew the subjects they taught and that their knowledge was transferred to the students. I had not given much thought to the many other factors that a teacher is responsible for. I now understand that there are many elements involved in planning and implementing a curriculum for each class taught. I am amazed at the magnitude of information that needs to be considered; such as, desk arrangements, wall space use, planned activities, time considerations, classroom management, rules, procedures, record keeping, available resources, technology, plus many more.Many of these items can probably be easily mastered after performed a time or two, but as a future teacher, I have to ask, â€Å"What have I gotten myself into? † When I was in school, all I remember was that my teachers had a green lesson plan book and that was it. In a couple of my business classes I have written my philosophy on education and then one on teaching. What I did not know, was there are â€Å"determinants of an educational philosophy. † I had never heard of perennialism, idealism, realism, experimentalism, or existentialism.On one end of the spectrum there is perennialism and on the other end there is existentialism. Experimentalism with a little of existentialism mixed in, loosely reminds me of some of the year-round school schedules talked about in chapter 8; where the students decide the type of instruction and when they will attend school. I based my philosophy on my personal values and what I believed teaching to be, which includes a little of some of the â€Å"known† philosophies. Last semester, one of my professors passed out this colorful triangle and called it Bloom’s Taxonomy.Possibly he expected everyone to know what is was, so he did not discuss it. After reading chapter three and hearing the presentation, I am amazed that time was not spent going over the levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy in my business education methods class. I have been setting goals and objectives for most of my life. I did not expect the way I executed them when I taught would be any different. The state standards outline my objectives, and I determine how the material will be delivered, which was the approach I intended to take.Of course I knew that knowledge would be passed from me to the students and then they would be tested over the material; however, that only represents the beginning and end of the Bloom’s Taxonomy process; there is a big gap in the middle. When I stop and think about the process of the educational objectives of the cognitive domain, it makes perfect sense to follow the â€Å"steps† up the ladder. As a teacher, if I miss a step, let’s say for the sake of time or convenience, I have reduced m y effectiveness as a teacher; therefore, I have lowered my standards.In another class, much time was spent on the discussion state standards. Since I will be a business teacher, I will be qualified to teach many classes; therefore, I will have to become familiar with multiple sets of standards. I looked back through chapter four and learned how the standards first came to be, and considered how they have evolved to create a foundation for the standards we use today. It is intimidating to see how comprehensive the standards are.The first presentation on the article during the last night of class introduced three areas of curriculum that are not discussed at length in the book: subject-centered curriculum, learner-centered curriculum, broad-fields curriculum, and core-curriculum. It was interesting how they are separated in the terms used, but how integrated they should be. It is clear that students, at least in Tennessee, are taught from the common core. It seems that the teaching is a by-product of what everyone else wants, beginning at the national level all the way down to an individual school.I know in the chapter that I presented, Chapter 8, the author brought up the conventional way teaching has, for the most part, been done; teaching for the convenience of the teacher which did not facilitate the learning of the student. It is evident that change is occurring rapidly. There is only a brief mention of teaching to various learning styles. Oddly, I recently discovered I am a visual learner. For the life of me, I could never figure out why I had to have complete silence when reading.This revelation occurred in another education class and was reinforced when I read the paragraph on learning styles in our text book. The actual implementation of teaching must revolve around a flexible classroom. Not all students learn at the same pace and as a teacher I have to realize that and teach on multiple levels. Differentiated learning is at the heart of teaching. Every thing I have mentioned thus far, barely scratches the surface of the changes in my perception of teaching, the collection of new knowledge, and revelations I have had pertaining to class preparation.I know I can handle students in a classroom, but I am scared of everything else that defines a teacher. I just hope I have learned enough to effectively prepare kids to enter the real world. My courses are part of a career pathway, you might say, I am the last line of defense. It is overwhelming to think of my future and the enormous responsibilities I am entrusted with. In the questions you posed for consideration, one related to the Praxis test. To student teach, I have to take the PLT 7-12 test.I have reviewed the study outline, which are about six pages. Of course there will be material on the test about curriculum, but what scares me is everything on the outline that I have never heard of. I seems like it will be impossible to prepare for, any help you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. I took my first content knowledge Praxis test last Saturday for marketing. I had to smile when the first question on the test asked about Bloom’s Taxonomy. It is the little things that connect everything in life.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Approaches to Adult Learning

Approaches to Adult Learning Annotated Overview The focus of this writing will be on the themes of the assigned chapter readings for Week 6. These chapter reading from Learning in Adulthood: A Comprehensive Guide was in the following chapters: 8, 9, and 10. This paper will also include additional learning resources (media video and instructor’s notes) and will outline points of interests gained from their viewing and reading. Week 5 Annotated Chapter Assignment This week’s study involved our reading of three chapters, viewing two media videos and article reading. This paper will touch on the points of interest that resonated with me in my reading as well as thoughts that I explored from the supportive learning resources (media video and instructor’s notes). The paper will conclude with a summary/discussion of what was gained through this learning experience and discuss ways this learning can be implemented. Understanding and Facilitating Adult Learning: A Comprehensive Approach Chapter 8 Theme The overall theme of this chapter highlighted an integrated approach to learning which shows the synergistic connection and combination of the mind, body, and spirit in learning called embodied learning. It also discussed the significance of learning through storytelling and heightened learning outcomes of narrative teaching. This section will address the points of interests that inspired to onto further study. Narrative Learning There are events that happen in our life which are unique. Some are uniquely dull and some can be uniquely exciting. However, the case each has a unique storyline that when told can help others to better understand and know something of the storyteller’s world that may lead to a significant discovery in their own. The writer points out that â€Å"Narrative knowing are not so much driven to find out more about the tangible outcomes of an event: its facts, logic and such, than they are about discovering meaning, and gaining under standing of the same event (Merriam, Baumgartner, the implications in the statement of one being personally involved in learning was spoken loud and clear throughout week six chapters. In reflecting on the theories and principles of transformative learning I can say that one of the enlightenments that I take away is through the means that transformative learning, one’s internal and external awareness is enhanced within that transformative learning experience. What I mean by that is, I learned that learning is more than just sitting in a room assimilating data. Cohen points out, that when one embodies the learning the learning experience, there is an opportunity created where any portion of the information being received can connect with meaning that initiates one’s conscious awareness that brings about a reflective moment which ushers in a revelation of one’s higher self. Transparently speaking, this reading brought up some thoughts that I had not previously co nsidered. Consequently, these three eye-opening chapters demand a deeper review and reflection on my part, if for nothing else than for the sake of growth through perspective changing and social enlightenment, which is the message I felt the writer was conveying within these three chapters. Incorporating Media and Instructor Notes The video, â€Å"New Approach to Learning† was an expose on the creator of Khan Academy. He is a former Hedge Fund analysis who started a free on line e-learning you tube website. This is a unique approach to sharing information with others that assister the self-directed learner supporting their ongoing learning settings. The presenter points out that his approach is simple and effective and attracts the attention of youth and adult learners around the world. The benefit of this approach to learning is that the learner can have ready access for a variety of learning event while learning at their pace. Mr. Khan points out that according to resea rch information the length of the content is at the right amount that facilities learning. The presenter also brought in a interviewee who expressed how this type of learning is a valuable asset to locations around the world that may not have access to any formal or informal means of education (Vantage Siam Co., 2011). The video, â€Å"Gen Y & New Approaches to Learning & Training† was interview centered on Generation Y and their approach to learning. The interviewee pointed out the demographic range of this new type of learner and the desires of the Gen Y group of learners to be taught in accordance to the technological society we live in. They want to be free in their ability to use the knowledge with the technology they have grown up with as compared to previous generations who did not have similar types of access. Both the interviewer and interviewee agreed that the responsibility of the teacher is to move away from former methods to incorporate this new desire for lear ning by making it easy for student involvement and encourages participation. This move will not only affect the present generation but it will prepare them for the upcoming one – Gen Z.(Award1956’s channel, 2010). The video, â€Å"Koren Alberich on New Approaches to Learning† was interview on three examples of learning using alternate reality games and virtual worlds. The interviewee explained how the games and worlds can be made to adapt to any environment and setting. Each can be structured to simulate desired learning outcomes. Two salient outcomes of these new approaches are: 1) the scalability. The environments and settings can meet any size of learning audience, 2) as for the use of virtual worlds they can be create real-time global location via internet that can bring global locations into one location (Clarey, 2011) Conclusion The overall thought of this week’s lesson has been an approach to learning that has helped me in synthesizing my lif e to what has been presented within these three chapters, as well to the previous lessons. Subjects like the principles of embodied learning with its lesson on spiritual and narrative learning are very insightful. I am a Pastor of a small congregation and I teach using the preaching method of expository preaching. After reading about narrative learning I have added storytelling as an element of preaching to help the listener gain a richer understanding of the content of my message. This is one example of how I have applied what I am learning. I believe that knowing and not applying what one knows means that knowledge remains as theoretical information. However, when that same knowledge is put into action then it takes on another essence, by becoming reality in the life of the one that has applied it. As I further reflect on what take away from the chapter dealing with Learning and knowing I now look at with I know and have learned through new lenses. Taking others perspectives, espe cially other cultures, will be hard to do. That is if one is not willing to, at the least, empathetically look at life from someone else’s perspective. I agree with the chapter writer concerning our western egotism when it comes to learning that inders us in that aspect. Our pride should not be the thing that keeps us from learning and knowing from other cultures. The truth is, in many cases other cultures have truly learned and know more than our does. Any barrier to intellectual growth must be overcome if we as a whole – world round – if we are to grow together. And as barriers, such as cultural pride and others come down that gives way to areas of growth in realms such as meaningful dialog brought about by the ethos of critical theory, as well as acceptance of ideals founded in postmodern and feminist perspectives. When approached with a mindset of open-mindedness, these theories and concepts are enlightening and the means of growth. Light makes things grow. Needless to say, I feel I have grown to have a deeper appreciation for what I have experienced thus far and look forward to what more is to come. References Award1956’s channel (Producer), & Award1956’s channel (Director). (2010, December 8,). Gen Y & new approaches to learning & training. [Video/DVD] Retrieved from Bohman, J., & Rehg, W. (2014). Jà ¼rgen habermas. Retrieved from Clarey, J. (Producer), & Clarey, J. (Director). (2011, April 22,). Koreen olbrish on new approaches to learning. [Video/DVD] Foote, L. S. (2015). Re-storying life as a means of critical reflection: The power of narrative learning. Christian Higher Education, 14 (3), 116-126. doi:10.1080/15363759.2015.1028580 Merriam, S. B., Baumgartner, L., & Caffarella, R. S. (2007). Learning in adulthood (3. ed. ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Nemec, P. B. (2012). Transformative le arning. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 35 (6), 478-479. doi:10.1037/h0094585 Paul, & Pedersen. (1980). The cultural boundaries of education and non-eastern alternatives. 1 Retrieved from Qiufang Fu, Zoltan Dienes, Junchen Shang, & Xiaolan Fu. (2013). Who learns more? cultural differences in implicit sequence learning. PLoS One, 8 (8) doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071625 Vantage Siam Co., L. (Producer), & Vantage Siam Co., L. (Director). (2011, 15 July). New approaches to learning. [Video/DVD]

Establishing a trust or will Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Establishing a trust or will - Coursework Example A land trust enables an owner to transfer their real-estate property to a trust, but maintain their ownership while a family trust would ensure the owner separates his personal property from the real property and ease transfer to the next generation (Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, 2003). However, the owner faces a dilemma in securing appropriate and requisite contracts in both trusts to ensure ownership when alive and safe transfer to her next generation when she dies. A severalty ownership of both trusts ensures she remains the sole owner of her property in order to eliminate any problems and challenges the property may encounter (Evans & Evans, 2007). A bailment will ensure the transfer of ownership to another party (trustee), but retain ownership because trusts are revocable. Since property consists of land, both tangible and intangible property, bailment is appropriate for intangible property not limited to, title deeds, meeting rules, bank documents, written orders and endorsements (Evans & Evans, 2007). It is necessary to give a gift for transfer of property to the next generation. However, an inter vivos gift ensures transfer of property when both parties are alive while a gift in causa mortis ensure transfer of property to beneficiaries in case of her demise (Evans & Evans,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Health care sector Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health care sector - Research Paper Example Health care is provided by practitioners in medicine, chiropractic, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, allied health, and other care providers. It denotes the activity done in rendering primary care, secondary care and tertiary care, besides public health (Premier Occupational Health Care, 2009). The availability of services to doctors differs from country to country, groups and individuals, greatly affected by cultural and financial conditions as well as the health policies in that region. States and dominions have diverse policies and programs with respect to the health care targets of their societies in terms of population growth. In any country, the system of healthcare is established in order to fulfill the health needs and requirements of the target population and thus, the exact configuration of this system varies from one country to another (Kaplan & Esther, 2003). Every organization possesses its own professional and occupational differences which are based on the culture of the country, organization, or on the nature of the job description. In the health care department also, there exist certain factors which are responsible for creating the occupational disparities within the jobs. Some of those factors are discussed below: One of the factors of great importance, which usually creates occupational differences these days, includes gender. Many countries, and their business organizations, tend to differentiate between male and female worker in term of the jobs assigned to them. Besides this, the element of job segregation is also one of the major contributors on the differences between genders which have been observed in the exposure to hazards at workplace. Both the genders have a strong separation at the place of work and they are also exhibited to be holding dissimilar positions in the hierarchal ladder of the organization. Not only this, but both the genders are subject to pay differences

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Saint Thomas Aquinas Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Saint Thomas Aquinas - Essay Example It follows a cycle-God, God's creation, Man, Man's purpose, Christ, the Sacraments, and back to God. He delves into the various concepts of divinity and explains it with logical and simple reasoning. No wonder it has often been consulted and cited in case of religious discussions and debates over the ages. Since this essay forms a part of our Theory of Rights course, let us digress a bit and try to understand the background of this essay. A 'right' can be defined as a special advantage for obtaining a liberty, a power, an entitlement, or an immunity that someone gains because of his or her particular status. The general notion of right applies in both legal and moral contexts. It was the famous English philosopher Thomas Hobbes who introduced the English term 'right' into political philosophy with his interpretation of ius naturale as 'right of nature'. As he mentions in the chapter 14 of Leviathan: The right of nature is the liberty each man has to use his own power as he will himself, for the preservation of his own nature, that is to say, of his own life, and consequently of doing anything which, in his own judgment and reason, he shall conceive to be the aptest means thereunto. John Locke and William Paley also offered their significant contributions towards the body of work of the theory of rights. John Locke also an English philosopher argues that God created people free and equal in the state of nature. Unlike Hobbes, who supported the theory of natural reason and natural law, Locke proposes the theory of natural right. He further said that as such in this condition, no one is naturally sovereign over anyone else. William Paley, a British divine, best remembered for his watchmaker analogy on the other hand says that rights are either natural or adventitious and that its distinction here rests on whether rights are created by society or not. It is in this background that we shall endeavour to comprehend St Thomas's views on law and its specific relation with reason. Coming back now to St Thomas, it is also in Summa Theologica that St Thomas talks about the various aspects of law and the role of justice in human community, his basic premise being that law essentially pertains to reason. It is much later in the Summa Theologica that Thomas turns to the problem of law. His skilful treatment of the subject throws light into the coherence of his thought and his confidence in the ability of reason to guide us in making ethical decisions. The Greek philosopher Aristotle was perhaps one of the first few great masters who portrayed and analysed the intent behind man's actions in their writing and tried to give it a lucid form through a well-structured approach. According to Aristotle, the first principle of all activity is reason. It is through reason that we reach an end to any problem or discussion. St Thomas too concurs with Aristotle in this basic premise. Let us now examine in depth St Thomas's ideas

Friday, July 26, 2019

Nurses Role in the Field of Health Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Nurses Role in the Field of Health Care - Essay Example Professional nurses require a legal system that regulates their professional and or ethical activity. In addition, there are professional bodies that are responsible for admitting different professionals into the mainstream practice after training and certification. Nursing regulatory bodies admit these professionals into the profession after assessing and evaluating their suitability to become professional nurses. Professional nursing and Nursing stereotypes A professional nurse should embrace patients as well as the loved ones/caretakers in good faith. They should not only be willing but love their work to succeed in caring for patients. Services to patients should be put first before any other thing, financial interest included. In addition, nurses need to be presentable at all times (Allen, 2001). The appearance of a nurse should always be pleasant to everyone as this will be interpretive of the quality of service he offers. Nursing has been invariantly labeled as a career for th e feminine. The public views this profession as a reserve for the female gender and should not be ventured into by the males. In fact, some of the male nurses have been labeled as pansy and their sexual orientation questioned. Moreover, nurses are also viewed as subservient compared to the medical professionals and often seen as sub-standard workers to the physicians and effeminate type casting on the male nurses. Plainly speaking, nursing is not entirely a feminine affair. Both males and females have the capability to pursue this career as a choice. Secondly, nursing complements other healthcare skills and not necessarily subservient to them. Without nursing, the role and successes of the medical doctors are largely limited and may hardly operate. It is important to note that the disciplines in the medical loci are intertwined in terms of roles and none is subservient to the other. Role of Nurses Unknown To the Public A nurse acts as the patient’s advocate. For instance, a n urse will always support the needs of a patient first. The public is usually unaware of this role of nurses. Secondly, unaware to the public, nurses are involved in the spiritual wellbeing of the patient. It is quite essential that patients are counseled and guided spiritually according to their beliefs; such acts would include bible discussion and spiritual uplifting through prayers and meditation, depending on the beliefs of the patient in question. Among nursing theorist that are real role models to current and aspiring nurses is Dorothea Orem. This assertion is due to fact that many nurses always embrace her theory of â€Å"self-care being a basic human requirement.† Orea asserts that people are distinct individuals and should be primarily responsible for their own care before eventually â€Å"devolving† care to other members of the society (Gordon, 2005). Nurses and Medical Doctors At personal levels, many nurses do not confide to the opinion that nursing as a car eer merely involves following up instructions from doctors. Instead they implement the instructions given to them by doctors. This function they do not do blindly but in line with their professional skills and trainings. They are not being ordered on what to do; rather, they already have the knowledge of everything required of them (Larrabbee, 2009). Nurses are also responsible of the well-being of their patients (Nettina, 2001). In fact, the recovery of patient

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Waste Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Waste - Assignment Example ghts the environmental effects caused by extensive use of plastic bags, possible proposed plans of eliminating their use and economic impacts of implementing these plans as well as the financial aspect. Plastic bags pose dangers to animals. Notably, this occurs when plastic bags find their ways into their feeding areas, and mistake them for food especially when residues are present in the bag. Death results in the event of swallowing (Hope, 1998). Secondly, extensive use of these bags causes litter problems, thereby reducing aesthetic value of our environment (Hester and Harrison, 2002). In conclusion, retailers give carryout plastic bags to buyers at no cost. However, they purchase plastic bags at a particular cost spending much more than the cost of operation. Implementation of my proposed plans ensures that retailers save the collected fees to buy a unit of plastic bag than that of paper (Cheremisinoff,

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Climate Change Mitigation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Climate Change Mitigation - Research Paper Example Its effects, importance and control procedures, are also evaluated to ensure that sufficient information is provided to various stakeholders to facilitate the development of effective mitigation approaches. Work schedule The following work schedule provides my work itinerary for successful completion of this project No Activity Completion Date 1 First research proposal 24TH Feb 2012 2 Approval by Supervisor 14th March 2012 3 Interview 16th March 2012 4 Library and electronic search 23rd March 2012 5 Final copy preparation 5th April 2012 6 Approval by the supervisor and presentation 28th April 2012 Literature Review Clear understanding of the effects of climatic changes is an imperative element towards building a vibrant future that embraces quality social and economic standards of life. Environmental dilapidation, which is caused by carbon and other toxic emissions to the atmosphere currently, poses a great challenge to the development of businesses due to increased cost of productio n with limited resources in the production chain (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2010). Adverse climatic changes cause immense dilapidation of natural resources, which is vital in developing a strong economy with cute social benefits. Governments and various organizations must sufficiently understand the need for preventing environmental degradation. This significantly occurs through reduction of green house emissions to the environment by major producing industries to ensure a safe environment, which supports social and financial ventures. As indicated by Locker & Kaczmarek (2010), mitigation of climatic changes is the process of providing necessary interventions towards reducing sources of green house gases. These causes require effective mitigation through clear-cut policies and development of stringent measures with an aim of preventing ethical environmental practices. According to Crawford, Davoudi & Mehmood (2009), understanding of the need to mitigate and prevent climatic adverse condit ions is increasingly becoming a major impediment to most organizations. In business organizations, quality of goods produced relates to capacities and strengths provided by the operating environment, which is a basic factor, vital for organizational success. No corporation can effectively administer its trade successfully without proper management of its environment (Crawford et al, 2009). Hence, environmental factors have become an increasingly critical concern for most institutions where regardless of organizational size, environmental issues impacts profitability and general performance. The concept of ecological dilapidation directly affecting atmospheric changes has existed for quite a while. However, it is recently that its awareness has lead to the establishment of measures towards curbing climate issues. Authorities intending to conduct mitigation have made environmental apprehension critical for climate change mitigation (OECD, 2008). Forestation and deforestation are the m ost common activities associated with tackling these environmental challenges. This processes influence the intensity of concentration for green house gases (GHG) within the atmosphere. Therefore, climate change requires immediate solutions than can minimize the long-term shifts that may result to environmental degradation. Its impact in one area directly affects the whole planet, as climate is not confined. Climate mitigation

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The American Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The American Civil War - Essay Example   Seven undiplomatic Southern states claimed their withdrawal from the United States and thus formed the Confederacy States of America. In return, the northern states and the southern states split.   One of the causes of American civil war was the economic and social variances between the north and the south.   The two areas were quite different, and the South feared that the North would try to impose its systems on them (Kelly).   The second reason was the government limited the federal rights in the states. In 1832, South Carolina declined to pass the federal tariff legislation of 1828. Thus, the government used military force to put the region in check. The southern states felt limited in expressing the state rights.  The Dred Scot decision is the third cause of the civil war. Dred Scott was a slave who sought nationality through the American legal systems. The Supreme Court denied any African-American from obtaining US citizenship, consequently, enslaving more people.  The election of Abraham Lincoln also contributed to the war. They feared that the Republican president would abolish slavery. Thus, ruining the Southern economy. That is why Lincoln was a worthy opponent to the expansion of slavery. In conclusion, it is true that the American civil war was caused by discrimination and selfish needs. Slavery denied people a real life as capitalism ruled allowing the rich to be richer. The legal systems were corrupt with unfair discrimination.

A Child Called It Encourage Speech Essay Example for Free

A Child Called It Encourage Speech Essay Hello guys I’m Grace and I am a volunteer of this youth center, below I just to ask do you have these feelings before? Desperate, depressed, desolated. I believe these emotions will bump out in every one of your mind when you think you are in a disadvantaged situation, and sometimes you think the whole world owes you, aren’t you? But indeed, are you really that pathetic? For me, people used to say I’m a pessimism. Yet, after reading a book based on a true story of a boy, it blows my mind. And it changes my mind in way in seeing the world with cherishing and forgiveness, and now I want to share this with all of you and I hope it will change yours too. The boy who gives me such an impact is called Dave Pelzer and he is the author of the book called ‘A child called IT’. He was being abused by his mom since he was a child, starving, pain, hopeless are what he gone through, but in the end, he was being rescued. The state of California said that it may have been the worse case of child abuse in the history of state. I guess you could imagine how tough the life was for Dave. However, despite of all these memories, he still managed to survive and become a bright person. So first of all, the precious of survival is the first thing Dave had taught me. In our daily lives, our often take everything for granted, just take a simple example. When we are eating our cereal breakfast, we would complain from our mom and say ‘ How come it’s the same taste again! I have ate this cereal for whole week! I’m bored of it! while you are complaining with things you are not satisfied, Dave was managing not to starve to die. From the book, his mother rarely treated Dave as a son nor a human being, he is just an ‘it’, a non-existence. Eating is not a normal right for Dave, he had to finished all his chores in order to have a mouth of food, finding food from the trash and stealing food from a grocery store and classmates was the way to keep him alive. Just think about it? We are really l ucky aren’t we? As all us sitting in here and no need to worry about tomorrow’s live and will we survive or not. And it’s time to back to basics, don’t focus on things we don’t have but the things we have! We have friends, families and everyone sitting next to you in this youth center, what we got is far more than survive, and we should better treasure it, and not focus on the dark side. As I about the dark side, you might think Dave’s heart was full of hatred to his mum because her mum treated him so badly. But in contrast, Dave teach me forgiveness—the art of letting go. No matter what lies in their past, they can overcome the dark side and press on to a brighter world and turn tragedy into triumph’ Dave said in the book. How come a person can let go of his anger and bring love to her mum and his loving child, that’s Dave. Look at what happened to us, sometimes people or ourselves makes mistakes and the hatred will last in our heart, but actu ally what’s the point in remembering all those tragedy? Why don’t we move on? Just forgive ourselves and forgive others, your friends, your family. Then, you will find you heart is brighter and clearer than ever, just like Dave. In conclusion, I think this book is remarkable and incredible as Dave’s experience do change my way in looking in the world in more perspective such as survive, forgiveness, love, courage and faith, but the time is limited so I have to stop here. Lastly, I just want to say we could always let go of the bad things happened to us and treasure everything we got, be positive! Everyone in the youth center would support you. Even the darkest will end and sun will rise. Thank you.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pursuit of Happiness Essay Example for Free

Pursuit of Happiness Essay (The Misconception Between Success and Happiness: UNCOVERED!) From a very young age, we are taught that achieving specific milestones of success – getting good grades or even best if we can, getting into a famous university, having a prestigious career or title, having a certain amount of money saved in the bank, living in the perfect dream house, marrying the right person according to our personal perspective, and having talented or well-behaved kids later on will make us happy. The frustrating truth is that none of these things have anything to do with happiness, not even one. Right from the beginning, we have been confused that achieving these goals will bring us forth to the doorway of happiness. It has been inducted into our minds that the attainment of these milestones is the pursuit of happiness, but at the end of the line, we only got success – not happiness. For those who are contented to being just successful, let me ask you, â€Å"What happens when you reach the goal that you have been setting for?† â€Å"Do you feel really happy, elated, and ecstatic?†. . . â€Å"If yes, then for how long?† â€Å"How long do or could you maintain that heightened and elevated feeling of euphoria after you reach your goal?†. . . For most of us, the answer would probably be â€Å"very long,† but without the biases and cover-ups, the answer is really â€Å"not that much long.† Let us just say – a day, a week, or even a month or more. Then, â€Å"What happens when those feelings fade?† It would just appear that you are not that much pleased to have reached your goal, but not because the goal loses some of its meaning. It is just that we consider the part of achieving to being our happiness. And once the moment of achievement passes, we would be looking for the next goal, the next achievement, and the next pursuit of success – not happiness. In other words, we seldom spend time basking in the satisfaction of what we have achieved or what we already have before achieving anything. We tend to set another goal, and then the next, and the next. Sometimes it may feel that you will just become happy â€Å"when. . .† And when that condition is met, you will later find out that you are not really happy at all, at least not for that much long. Then you start looking for the next goal to pursue. This is a description of the pursuit of success – a false definition of happiness that depends on a never-ending string of  achievements. We can even pursue achievements that have little long-term meaning or even those that endures for a lifetime – a degree or title, but these secular goals will still not bring us to profound happiness. For those who are already having second-thoughts about being contended to being just successful, you might ask me, â€Å"So, what is happiness anyway?† or â€Å"What is my definition of happiness?†. . . For me, â€Å"It is not really that sense of euphoria; it is not pleasure, but something larger, deeper, emphatic, yet fundamental.† In other words, happiness is less an event and more an ongoing state of mind, and a way of focusing on the larger picture – the journey, the quality, and the essence of experiences. It is often about defining your values and purpose, and staying true to them. To increase your level of happiness, you do not need more â€Å"happy moments,† rather, you need a more positive outlook on all moments – a sense that t hey are part of the tapestry of a life well-lived, that they are consistent with your nature, that they are mirrors of who you really are. The greater truth is that success does not create happiness, but happiness can create success. Think about people who seem to attract success – not the ruthless competitors, but the ones you just naturally want to be around. Those people who seem to bring others up, those who find an opportunity in any circumstance, and those who are contented or even passionate about pursuing a personal goal. Given the choice between pursuing achievements to become happy and finding inner happiness and letting success come to you, which do you think is more successful? There are, of course many ways to have both achievements and happiness. The mistake is in assuming that success or achievement alone will bring you happiness. When achievements are connected to your core values, then happiness is built into your achievements – for achievements alone for their own sake seldom lead to happiness and often feels like an addiction for over-achievers who keep looking for that next goal in the hopes that it will be soul-satisfying and lead to ever-lasting happiness. Actually, the secret to happiness is not at all related to setting goals and achieving them. Happiness is a state of mind that allows you to be contented and appreciate each moment for what it brings, and to increase it by honoring your personal core values and purpose. The good news is that you can create happiness in almost any circumstance, even with the very basic and most natural situation. There is no really a need for us to set our goals to  things so far, all we have to do is appreciate the things we already have. Being satisfied for what we have may not bring our hearts to Heaven, but being contented to what God has bestowed upon us will certainly bring Heaven into our hearts. â€Å"Success is getting what you want; Happiness is wanting what you get.† – Ingrid Bergman

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Terrorism -The Effects on Society

Terrorism -The Effects on Society Terrorism is defined as a deadly act which causes fear in peoples lives. It is mainly caused because of the hate towards certain group of people. The weapon of terrorism targets the non-combatants in order to achieve an objective through the use of deadly acts is termed as terrorism. These acts are also similar to the acts performed during the freedom struggle in many countries, but the act of terrorism has a vast difference with the freedom struggles. There are several reasons for the act of terrorism as portrayed by the media experts. They are poverty and economic disadvantage, ethnicity, religion, inferiority problems, government suppression etcWe can distinguish terrorism in two different categories. They are Domestic terrorism and International terrorism. Domestic terrorism involves attacking their own people and opposing their government for certain reasons. On the other side, International terrorism involves people taking the weapon of terrorism for religious beliefs and makin g it as a medium for portraying their message to the world by these deadly acts. As there are several reasons for the act of terrorism, I am going to explain the causes of terrorism in the lives of Ajmal Kasab (terrorist who performed the Mumbai attacks), Faisal Shehzad (who was accused for car bombing in U.S) and S.A.Baasha (Coimbatore 1998). The terrorist that are mentioned here have three causes for them to fall in the pits of the terrorists organisations such as Lakshar-e-Toiba and Al-Queda. Poverty proved to be a major cause for Ajmal to join the terrorist militant groups in Pakistan to wage terrorist activities on the people of Mumbai in 2008. The best reasons for many of the people to become terrorists are dedicated to the cause of religion. This is very much true for the above mentioned terrorists of Faisal and S.A. Baasha. The religion that comes under my scrutiny is Islam or Muslim. Though this is not a terrorist religion, many terrorist uses Islam as a medium to achieve their objectives. In the case of Faisal, his prime target was United States as they have allied with Jewish country Israel. In the mindset of the Islamic terrorist, they believe that if they suicide and kill people in the process of terrorism, they go to heaven and before Allah. S.A.Baasha, mastermind of the Coimbatore 1998 attack is also a Muslim and was head functionary of the Muslim fundamentalist group Al-Umma. This group was formed to fight against the oppression of the Tamilnadu government on Muslims and their fellow men. So they formed this terrorist organisation to oppose the government by attacking the majority group in Tamilnadu, the Hindus. Poverty and Terrorism Terrorism is one of the deadliest acts prevailing in the world. There is no country without terrorism. Destruction of infrastructure, killing of non-combatants is the results of Terrorism. Terrorism is prevalent in countries like Pakistan, Africa, Iraq and Palestine where poverty has engulfed the lives of the people. Poverty causes many innocent people to target non-combatant to get rid from hunger. This has also been advantageous for the militant groups to target these people by offering money and influencing them to join their groups. These innocent people join these terrorist organisations to save their families from poverty. These people become an instrument to execute the commands of the genuine terrorists. Rich are getting richer, Poor are getting poorer. According to the media resources, they say that extreme poverty and hunger are the main causes for a person to become a terrorist. IMF and World Bank are trying to reduce the income inequalities in many countries by giving aid to the needy. Poverty was the main cause in the life of Ajmal Kasab, the only person caught and accused for carrying out the Mumbai attack in the commercial capital of India, Mumbai. Ajmal Kasab, a poor boy who had all the ambitions of a normal boy to go to school and earn a good job to save their family in the future. But, Poverty and unemployment changed his mind to join Lashkar-e-Toiba to kill 166 people in the bloody 26/11 Mumbai attacks. Ajmal Kasab comes from Southern Punjab, from the province of the Rawalpindi district which has become a recruiting ground for the religious militant groups of Lashkar-e-Toiba and Al-Queda. According to the crime branch investigation, Kasab was a street criminal who joined Lashkar-e-Toiba just for the money that they promised to give his family in order to carry out the Mumbai 26/11 attacks. Kasab comes from a poor family in Okara district in Pakistani Punjab. He and his parents made their living by selling snacks to the small shops around their village. Their life in that village was terrible and this has caused him to become a street criminal. It was at this stage, when Kasab while going around the bazaar streets to buy a gun he came across LeT stalls who offered him and his family Rs 1,50,000 only if he becomes their soldier to wage terror on non-combatants. Extreme hunger and poverty compelled him to join LeT and carry out the Mumbai Massacre killing 166 people and injuring more t han 200 people. It is only in the hands of the government to reduce poverty by improving employment in their districts and villages. The government should come up with some projects which help the people to live a better life. The Holy War (Jihad) The holy war or Jihad began was dated back to 623 B.C when the founder of Islam, Muhammed gathered a group of 300 men and fought against an enemy group of almost 1000 men in a place called Badr. In that battle, Muhammed lost only 14 men and defeating his enemy in the war. Muhammed recruited more soldiers to join his army. After two years, he trained and assembled more than ten thousand army men who fought for God (Allah) and his Prophet. They conquered Mecca and many other places with ease. In fact, in later years Mecca became the holiest place for all Islams. Muhammed during his old ages wrote his revelations as Koran, a book of Gods commands in accordance with belief, prayer, conduct and matters of law. After Muhammeds Death, Adu Bekr became his successor and the leader of Islam. In his regime, he drifted away from the written principles after stating that there lived no Prophet to authorise their millitary actions. He formed a more vigorous army and waged a war against the enemies of Islam in Arabia in the first Jihad. Thus Islam served as the guide and justification for the acts of terror against the enemies and the oppressors by Faisal Shehzad. The next example for conducting the Deadly acts of Terrorism is Faisal Shehzad. His cause for becoming a terrorist can be stated as his true belief in his religion, Islam. Faisal Shehzad comes from a well-educated and a rich family. He was accused for planting a car bomb in the commercial street of New York by the FBI. Faisal comes from a family of rich national heritage. His father served in the Pakistani Air force as a Air vice Marshall, a brother, who is a mechanical engineer in Canada, a uncle who is former Inspector General of Frontier Corps and his father-in-law who runs a successful business in Karachi. Faisal is very different and doesnt fit the profiles of a Jihad terrorist. According to the media, Faisal has a looks of a common man who wages a war against America just for the cause of hatred and for the belief of his religion. Faisal was educated in a private school and went to university as a professional scholar. For his master degree, he went to United States on a student visa and was graduated from University of Bridgeport in 1990.He then joined an American firm where he met his love Huma Mian who was a citizen in U.S. He led a happy life with his wife in America. His happy life came to an end when he discovered the violent version of Islam and of the holy war. When he was accused and was caught for planting the car bomb in the busy streets of Times Square, his residents in Pakistan was shocked and remember Faisal as a boy who came from a decent family with strong millitary background and a Muslim who didnt believe in the rules of the religion. Faisal in this case took the weapon of terrorism to express the anger and hate against the Americans which led him to the activity. The terrorist activity of Faisal to set off a bomb in the Times Square of New York had made him the Pakistans first Jihad terrorist. In this present situation the militant organisations around the world recruit terrorist according to the terrorist activities that they are going to perform. Nowadays, the terrorist like Faisal are recruited by these organisations to carry out huge operations like that of the Twin Tower Attack in 9/11 which require knowledgeable skills. The main reason for that is that the western recruits have more knowledge and education about the place where the attack is going to be held and to perform the complex task like flying a commercial aircrafts to demolish the buildings. The concept of Jihad as depicted in Koran believes to be a perfect reason for most of the terrorists like Faisal to carry out terrorists attacks on innocent people. The most annoying part is that the political leaders fail to suppress the terrorist activities because to their own faith and belief object them to do so. Whereas, many Islamic leaders who believe that holy war and terrorist activities are against the act of religion Islam, there are some clear evidences and justifications written in Koran to carry out such bloody acts of terrorism. Communal Riots and Terrorism The riots sparked between two religions in a country also cause many people to take terrorism as a weapon to show their vengeance against each other. The example for this cause of terrorism can be illustrated by the Coimbatore 1998 bomb blasts. The communal violence that had occurred in India can be stated back to 1980s when 1200 Hindus converted and started to worship the gods of Islam in 1981. Since then there were many people converting to the religion Muslim in order to get social empowerment. The people of Hindu religion visited the places of the converted Muslims to return back to their religion. These incidents increased the tensions between both the groups and provoked many people to become terrorists. Another important reason for this incident is that of the demolition of Babri Masjid at Ayodya in Uttar Pradesh in the early 1990s. There was an organisation formed to protect the welfare of the Muslims and was named as Al-Umma. This organisation was funded by a Muslim business man and became influential after series of attacks in and around Tamil Nadu state in India during 1997. Al-Umma, the organisation formed by the Muslim fundamentalist group was headed by S.A.Baasha and was funded by a Muslim businessman. S.A.Baasha came from a middle class family and was a timber merchant in Coimbatore. His main aim was to protect the welfare of Muslims from the majority community and the government. He was accused and arrested for attempting murder on the leader of Bharthiya Janatha Party (BJP), Krishnamurthy but was released due to lack of evidence and because of the governments interventions in the case. The DMK (Dravida Munnetra Kalagam) was at regime and released S.A.Baasha and his colleagues just because they didnt want to hurt the feelings of Muslims and reduce the number of votes from the minority Muslims. After many riots curtailing the sentiments of Muslims, S.A.Baasha and others decided to plant bombs on the city of Coimbatore. Coimbatore was known as a M anchester of India and was on the rise in economic front. It was one of the fastest growing cities in India and was subject to the next IT hub of South India. Demolition of Babri Masjid in Uttar Pradesh by the BJP leader L.K.Advani was also a prime cause for this event. The Coimbatore blast took place when L.K.Advani planned to visit Coimbatore for an election campaign in 1998. There were 13 consecutive blasts which took place in eight different places in Coimbatore. All the blasts took place just around the radius of 12 kilometres and there were around 60 people died and more than 200 people injured. After the post violence, the city saw an economic drift that took place due to these terrorists attacks. Moreover, even after Al-Umma was banned and its members were arrested, the tensions prevailed for more than 5 years. These riots also provoked hatred between two communities and enmity among each other. Conclusion Terrorism has many causes to show their vengeance on other people. Of the three terrorist that we discussed in the essay, they had three different reasons to choose terrorism as their weapon. Ajmal, a young boy who joined the LeT, became a weapon for the terrorist organisation to make money and save his family from hunger. Faisal, who was rich and well off American citizen decided to choose the path of terrorism to wage a holy war against the Americans. Whereas S.A.Baasha, who is a common man with a small and happy family resorted to terrorism just to oppose government who oppress their religion in India. These three terrorists represent the three ends of a triangle that are groomed by the militant groups around the world. In a broader view, we can say terrorism as a functional utility. Terrorists use violence on non-combatant people in order to achieve a particular goal like releasing of the prisoners, for money or for the holy war. The causes of terrorism in the minds of people can be blamed at the government who didnt suppress the issues at the initial stage.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

impressionism Essay -- essays research papers

For the Love of Impressionism Impressionism is arguably the most beloved and famous of all the artistic styles to date, which is celebrated for its bright colour and new, imaginative view of the world and society. However, originally in Paris in the 1870s, this kind of art was viewed as controversial and undisciplined, it was considered to threaten the values that fine art was meant to uphold. Then in 1874, a group of artists got together to make their own exhibition, mostly of quite small, informal pieces of art that would not have attracted any notice in the Salon (the big annual art exhibition in Paris). They did eight shows altogether, the last one being in 1886. In the first show, the critics picked up on the title of one of Claude Monet's Paintings, Impression Sunrise, and decided to call the whole group 'Impressionists'. The name stuck, and what was supposed to be just a nickname, ended up being the accepted name of the group.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Impressionist artists tried to convey the look and feeling they perceived by the immediate world that surrounded them. Particularly for Monet, this meant painting out of doors, trying to capture the effects of weather, nature and light on the spot, which would be very difficult for a â€Å"normal† artist. A very rapid sketch, like Impression De Santis 2 Sunrise, looks as if it was entirely painted on the spot, but often he must have needed to finish his more elaborated pictures away from the scene, after the lighting effects had changed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To contrast Monet, Edgar Degas although having this look that gave the feeling the figures were just glanced at. painted his works entirely within his studio, but he arranged his objects and figures to portray this just glanced at look. He often showed figures in such informal poses as stretching or scratching themselves, and frequently used the borders of the pictures to cut off parts of figures, in order to give a sense of immediacy to them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Impressionists' technique complemented the anxiousness and speed of their subjects. In their landscapes, they treated their subjects very informally, using a flurry of rapid and varied brush strokes to capture the overall effect of the scenario, without detailed descriptions of the objects within it. More often, too, they expressed lighting effects with bold contras... ...y to shuttle between the two landscapes for which the Impressionists would gain notoriety in Paris and its suburban enviroments. The emerging fields of optics and photography informed the styles of Camille Pissarro, Georges Seurat, and Edgar Degas.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  We tend to think of the history in terms of a few individual geniuses, acting as teachers for a number of small subsequent groups of artists, but the Impressionists were entirely different. They chose to develop their craft as equals, painting and learning from one another in small groups. One of the legacies of Impressionism is to leave the viewer with a profound sense of life captured on the canvas, through motion, light and colour. De Santis 6 And also life lived by these remarkable artists, always seeking to experience and to learn, to better capture on the canvas the reality before their eyes.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When you look at the history of Impressionism, it makes you realize how tastes change, and an art that we, today, can easily enjoy and appreciate, could seem crude and controversial and undisciplined to its first viewers. We should remember this in our responses to the art of today.

Upton Sinclairs The Jungle - Chicago Will Be Ours Essay -- Upton Sin

The Jungle - Chicago Will Be Ours "Their home! Their home! They had lost it! Grief, despair, rage, overwhelmed him - what was any imagination of the thing to this heart-breaking, crush reality of it ... Only think what he had suffered for that house - what miseries they had all suffered for that house - the price they had paid for it!" "The Jungle", by Upton Sinclair, gives a heart breaking portrayal of the hardships faced by the countless poverty stricken laborers in the slaughter houses of Chicago. As in the quote above, a struggling family underwent months of back breaking labor only to loose their house at the drop of a hat. It was a desperate and unmerciful time when an accidentally fractured ankle cost a man his job and his family food and shelter. In the early 1900's, strikes, riots, labor unions, and new political parties arose across the country. The government, with its laissez-faire attitude, allowed business to consolidate into trusts, and with lack of competition, into powerful monopolies. These multi-million dollar monopolies were able to exploit every opportunity to make greater fortunes regardless of human consequences. Sinclair illustrates the harsh conditions in Packingtown through a Lithuanian immigrant family and their struggles to survive. Ona, a young and frail woman, and Jurgis, a hardworking and strong man and the husband of Ona, come to America with some of their family to find work and to make a new and better life for themselves. With everyone finding employment right away, the family begins their lives in America with optimism, enthusiasm, and ignorance. Taking a huge risk, they purchase a small rickety house. Slowly, they awaken to the harsh realities of their surroundings. There's the mortg... ...workingman is common ownership and democratic management of production. Schliemann, a socialist, explains that "anyone would be able to support himself by an hour's work a day." Sinclair goes even further by referring to socialism as the "new religion of humanity" to oppose the "jungle" in which the workingman slaves. Finally, Sinclair tries to convert his readers to socialism and reject capitalism by using numbers. At the end of the novel, he shows the increasing popularity of socialism as the number of votes increase. In Chicago, the number of votes for socialism started at next to nothing and, by the end of the book, there were nearly fifty thousand votes. Leaving the reader with a sense of optimism that socialism may one day triumph, Sinclair ends the novel with hope for the workingman as he zealously writes, "Chicago will be ours! Chicago will be ours!"

Friday, July 19, 2019

Macbeth :: essays research papers

In the first act of the play, Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, the reader is introduced to the two characters that will play the most significant part in the play's storyline. Even though they are man and wife, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth have much dissimilarity. One can tell how their personalities differ as the plot moves forward. Though they are married and undying in their love, it can be plainly seen that they have many differences.In the opening scene of the play, Macbeth and friends, on one of their travels, encounter a trio of witches who chant prophecies. To sum up their decree to Macbeth, the witches inform Macbeth that it is his fate to be king. This promise of fate worries Macbeth because he thinks that the present king and his friend, Duncan, is a very good ruler. Macbeth's opinion of King Duncan supercedes his desire to rule the kingdom. Therefore, Macbeth is somewhat hesitant to accept his fate.As Macbeth arrives at his manor after the encounter with the witches, he tell s Lady Macbeth of prophecy. Though she meets the news with the same startling surprise as her husband did, Lady Macbeth is much more positive of the impending fate. She thinks that the impending fate of her husband is a very positive thing and she will do everything in her power to help the prophecy come to pass.The night of Macbeth's return to his home, King Duncan is scheduled to have dinner at Macbeth's manor. This event starts off the chain of events that fuel the entire play. While Macbeth downplays the prophecy and is worried of what will happen, as well as the fate of King Duncan, his wife Lady Macbeth acts very proactive. Her thought processes are sinister and devious, as she conjures up a plan to eliminate Duncan as king and put her husband into power.In the first act of Macbeth, one can see the huge gap between the personalities of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Corellation Between Spirituality, Emotions Essay

Abstract   The purpose of this paper is to describe the changes during pregnancy, which is influenced by various factors like lifestyle modification, emotions and spirituality. The paper first discusses in detail about the stress and emotional changes, which occurs during pregnancy and its impact on both child and mother. These results are also supported with proper evidence from various research.   Secondly, paper discusses about how lifestyle modification in pregnant women affects the child and mother and these results are supported by evidence from various research.   Finally, the paper discusses about the spiritual believes and its impact on pregnant women. INTRODUCTION Pregnancy is a life event for which most women look forward too. The symptoms of pregnancy might sometimes be distressing but ultimately, it is all worthwhile. Women’s life changes completely during this period. This is the most stressful as well as memorable period in a women’s life. Proper planning before pregnancy to overcome the physical and emotional changes is highly essential. Since, lifestyle modification, stress, anxiety and diet changes produce major impacts in pregnant women and the fetus, the need for proper life style modification during pregnancy is recommended by all physicians. This paper discusses the impact of three major factors Stress, life style modification and spirituality in pregnant women with empirical evidence from various research studies. STRESS AND RELATED IMPACTS IN PREGNANT WOMEN   Expectant women are subject to stress due to several factors, which includes physical changes during pregnancy, environmental changes, lifestyle changes and several other factors. Pregnant women besides physical changes also experience emotional changes at time of pregnancy. Mood swings are common and women will face emotional ups and downs in early pregnancy because of hormonal changes. Its is common for pregnant women to cry or get angry and upset for no apparent reason.    Pregnancy Changes related to stress During first trimester, the pregnant women spend most of their time by realizing the fact that they are pregnant. They experience themselves inwardly and try to understand and overcome the fears about the pregnancy. This must be the case only when the women experiencing the first pregnancy. In later pregnancy, they become more familiar with the changes. At first pregnancy, pregnant women are subjected to many fear such as fear about discontinuing the job, lifestyle changes, responsibility, economical constrains etc. Insecure feelings are common during the early stage of pregnancy. Mood swings grows higher leading to unusual behaviors. The pregnant woman may laugh or cry for irrelevant things. These are often related to hormonal changes in the body. However, researchers believe that hormonal changes during pregnancy augment the force of the feelings and do not causes mood change. Few researchers has identified that the amount of anxiety is heavier in pregnant women who bears a boy baby, for which the reasons are unidentified. In the second trimester, the expectant mother slowly comes out of fear and anxiety, which they experienced during the first trimester and starts feeling better as by now they start experiencing the movement of the baby. During this period, the understanding between the husband and wife starts growing and slowly they accept the existence of baby. The woman starts showing changes physically as she gain weight, also fear and anxiety grows rapidly during this period as fear of miscarriage or disaster to the baby or to herself develops. Speaking out about the fear to her husband or to someone close would relive herself from stress. During the last stage of pregnancy, the pregnant mother experience more fear and stress. As they grow larger in size, they experience low self-esteem and expect more attention from all the dear ones especially from her husband. They fear more regarding delivery complications.    Physical stress during pregnancy and its impact Physical strain during pregnancy is equal to emotional strain. High physical stress during pregnancy is not advisable as it has possibility of inducing preterm delivery among pregnant women. â€Å"In a research conducted by Mozurkewich and Colleague among the employees of pregnant women in U.S who had performed increased physical work has given birth before their deliver date. In another study conducted among the women in France has shown similar results.    Stress and its impact on diet Stress, tension, low energy, exhaustion and other emotional changes can influence the diet preference by the pregnant women. According to the study conducted by the ‘Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health’, â€Å"the diet of the expectant mother would affect the growth of the fetus and the wellbeing of the infant. According to this study which was conducted by ‘Kristen Hurley, Janet DiPietro, Kathleen Costigan and Laura Caulfield’, â€Å"Mother who experienced more fatigue during the pregnancy period consumed more amount of energy rich foods and zinc and consumed less folate. Expectant mothers who felt more stressed munched more amount of snacks and carbohydrate foods and also consumed lots of foods which is rich in fat, protein, iron and zinc. Worried feelings were connected with poorer consumption of vitamin C. Mothers who were stressed by pregnancy experience ate less meat.†Ã‚   â€Å"While pregnant women eating more amount of food may lead to increase in micronutrients and decrease the intake of other important nutrients like folate and vitamin C†, says, ‘Laura Caulfield, Ph.D. an associate professor at the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s Centre for Human Nutrition’.    Stress and its effect on the fetus Stress during pregnancy can bring about several changes in mother and child’s health. It affects the heart rate of the pregnant women. It also brings about blood pressure and anxiety in women. â€Å"According to Catherine Monk of Columbia University, emotional changes during pregnancy result in heart problems in pregnant women and have major effect on the fetus.†Ã‚   Earlier research has shown that stress during pregnancy leads to under weight babies and premature babies. Researcher has found that heart rate of mother is associated to heart rate of the fetus and when mother is stressed or worried, it affects the infant directly. Researchers from John Hopkins University and National Institute of Child Health Development (NICHD) in their research have found that emotional changes during pregnancy have direct impact on child’s behavior. Mother with increased emotion and fear of pregnancy has children with poor behavior skills and emotional disorder.  Ã‚  Ã‚   â€Å"According to Janet A. DiPietro, PhD, a developmental psychologist and professor at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, increased stress during pregnancy results in chemical changes which manipulate the organ growth and development of the fetus.† Thus, it is essential for a pregnant women to be free from stress and emotions during and after pregnancy to give birth to a healthy baby and to maintain her own health. LIFESTYLE CHANGES AND ITS IMPACT IN EXPECTANT MOTHER Lifestyle modification during pregnancy affects both mother and child especially when seems to be negative. Expectant mothers who are involved in habits such as Cigarette, alcohol, caffeine etc are under risk of developing breast cancer, delivery complications and pass the risk of behavioral disorder to their child. Apart from this diet, modification and exercise pattern also has impact on child’s growth. Expectant mother with eating disorder or overeating habits are prone to low-birth weight or over weight babies. Alteration in diet with inadequate nutrients or over nutrition leads to gestational diabetes. The child born to such parents develops Type I diabetes and are also at risk of developing cardiovascular problems. Lower folate consumption before and during the time of pregnancy would lead to birth defect and neurological problems. Hence, proper nutrition intake before and after pregnancy is essential. Consumption of Alcohol at the time of pregnancy leads to abortion, affects the fetus development, causes serious birth defects particularly the intellectual growth of the child. Hence, it is advisable to avoid alcohol consumption before and during pregnancy. Pregnant women who drink heavily are at risk of giving birth to child with alcohol syndrome i.e. a syndrome, which has major effect on mental and physical health. Similarly, pregnant women who consumes higher amount of caffeine are also at risk of developing miscarriage and birth defects. In addition, heavy exposure to chemicals can lead to birth defects. Various studies have shown that exposure to hazardous chemicals as solvents at work place have resulted in increase in the risk of abortion or birth defects. Apart from these, exercise during pregnancy is highly essential. Exercise during pregnancy strengthens the lower back and lower abdomen. Lack of proper exercise would result in caesarian and delivery complications. Exercise can reduce the labor complications and the risk of delivery. Regular exercise and walking would be more effective if followed in the second and third trimester. It helps the pregnant women to be relieved out of constipation, discomfort due to increased weight, fatigue, backaches etc    Diet modification during pregnancy affects the child and the offspring A research study conducted by â€Å"Children’s hospital Oakland Research Institute by David Martin, M.D, Dr. Jennifer Cropley and Catherine Suter from Victor Chang Heart Institute in Sydney, November 2006, has found that, ‘ mother’s diet during pregnancy   dose not only affect the health of her child but also affects the health of the grandchildren by changing the behavior of specific gene.† The researchers has performed the study on Avy mouse (yellow in color) which posses gene similar to human genes. The researchers during the research has used two group of pregnant mouse of which one group was fed with usual diet consumed by human and the other group was provided with supplements such as folate, vitamin, zinc etc along with the normal diet during the middle of the pregnancy. The similar experiments were followed for the offspring’s. The results of the study revealed that mouse without the supplement diet in both the experiments has shown considerable alteration in the gene resulting in the change of color from yellow to brown and were also found to be unhealthy and are at risk of cancer. Though it is, the known fact that mother’s diet would have considerable impact on the child’s health this is the first study, which has compared the correlation between mother’s diet and its impact in offspring. According to ‘Kenneth Beckman, Ph.D. Assistance Scientist at CHORI and a member of Project Export Centre of excellence in Nutritional Genomics, said, â€Å"The supplements provided during the pregnancy of the mother benefited the grand children even when the mother of the grandchild did not consume diet with supplements. Thus, maternal diet could have long lasting implications which extends for generations and even centuries.† Overeating and its impact on child  Ã‚   According to the research from ‘Oregon Health and Science University, September 2006’, â€Å"overeating during pregnancy may lead to several health problems to the child.†   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The researcher Kevin Grove, Ph.D., a scientist in ONPRC’s Division of Neuroscience in his research has confirmed that grandchildren off the expectant mother who overeat are at risk for liver damage and at a risk for early commencement of diabetes and obesity. Apart from this considerable change take place in the hypothalamus of the brain, which is responsible for the weight regulation.   He also states that children who are born to mother who consumes lots of fatty foods may be at a risk of diabetes and obesity.† The researchers have noted that pregnant female monkeys who were used for the research when provided with high fatty food passed on liver damage and pancreas damage to their offspring’s. The results were similar to humans when expectant women consumed high fatty food. It is clear from the above study that the need for a balanced diet among pregnant women is highly essential to prevent all health related problems to the child and the offspring. Another study conducted by world health organization there is a considerable increase in obesity related heart disease and metabolic disease among the present generation. Though the increase in obesity among present generation is because they consume high amount of fatty foods like sugar and saturated fats, on the other hand the obesity is also associated with increased consumption of energy rich food during pregnancy and during breast-feeding is one more reason for obesity among children’s. For several years it is has been stated that undernourished mother during pregnancy give birth to low birth weight babies which in turn affects the infant with heart related problems as it grows. However, latest studies reveals that apart form undernourished mother even the child born for mother who during pregnancy expose to energy rich food are also prone to heart disease. The study also revels that maternal diet has direct impact on child’s desire for food and maternal diet with increased energy food results in heart disease and other diseases like diabetes and hypertension in the later part of life. In such cases, the child develops abnormalities in aorta and in kidney resulting in severe disease as they grow up.    Smoking affects the child and grandchild Pregnant women may pass down the habit of smoking and its related disease to their child and to their grandchildren for continued generation.   Research study from Australia in 1982 has revealed the fact that children born to mothers who smoked during the time pregnancy started smoking before the age of 15 when compared to the children’s who were born to the mother who were non-smokers. At the same time, children’s of mothers who were smokers and gave up smoking at the time of pregnancy has shown similar results as children’s of mother who was non-smoker.   Thus, pregnant women are highly recommended to avoid smoking during pregnancy. Different study conducted by ‘Keck School of Medicine of University of California, states that use of tobacco and nicotine by the mother during pregnancy would result in lung diseases such as asthma to her children and grandchildren. The author Frank D. Gilliland, Professor of preventive medicine Keck School of Medicine states that smoking pregnant women will pass down long-term impact of lung disease in generations continuing for centuries. The research result shows that children’s and grandchildren’s of smoking mother at the time of pregnancy experienced problems of asthma from the age of five. Although the child of smoking mother did not experience any problem, the grandchild was highly prone to developing asthma. The researchers have also found that the nicotine present in the tobacco affects the DNA of the infant and affects the immune system of the baby. It is also found that nicotine from the tobacco affects the formation of the egg in the girl child as it grows. Thus, from above research studies it is clear that lifestyle modification in pregnant women would bring major impact in both child and mother. Few research has also proved that even grandchildren’s and further generation are affected by irregular dietary habits and alcohol and smoking habits. SPIRITUALITY AND ITS IMPACT ON EXPECTANT MOTHER Fasting seems to be one of spiritual activity, which has influenced most of the religious people especially Hindus and Muslims. People by fasting show their gratitude and love towards God. However, fasting when continued for more that two or three days leads to Lower Glycemic Index, reduces the protein and fat level in blood, increases the uric acid content, and possibly reduces the RBC and hemoglobin levels in the blood. If this is the case for normal people, when women with pregnancy undergoes fasting the results would be more drastic leading to ill health to both mother and child. As pregnancy is a crucial period and the mother is expected to consume the right amount of nutrition to maintain her health and the babies’ health, fasting during such period has to be avoided. According to a ‘Physician Gabriel Cousens, â€Å"fasting means to withdraw from that which is poisonous to the intellect, body and spirit. This can also be described as removal of corporal, emotional and psychological pollutant from our life, more willingly than merely staying away from or interrupting eating. Starving oneself for religious purposes typically involves taking away thyself from worldly duties.† On the other hand, in spite of the awareness for the need for proper nutrition some expectant mothers as being more religious blindly believes that by following rituals like fasting would bring God’s love and blessings to the child. Especially Muslim women’s during the period of Ramadan even if pregnant presume that fasting is obligatory for healthy wellbeing of child and mother. However, Islam is not too harsh on Muslim women’s who are pregnant. For that reason, no religion would be cruel to advice fasting during pregnancy. In Islam, the culture itself has prohibited such activity. Qur’an, has stated the following people not to fast during Ramadan, â€Å"pregnant women in her last trimester and also to avoid fasting by expectant mother if its is harmful to the mother and the child, women who is breast feeding, menstruating women and women who are in nifas.†Ã‚   According to Hadith, â€Å"the religion also states that if a expectant mother or the breast-feeding mother is subjected to health problems due to fasting, in such case they can fast the equivalent amount of days in another period of time.† Fasting are starving in the name of god is not ideal and it only spoils the health of the mother and baby. As pregnancy is an imperative period in women’s life attachment between mother and child grows right from the time of conception and develops with intake of right nutrition at right time. Impacts of fasting in Expectant women During pregnancy, the mother has to eat for two hence at this time going without food or starving without food due to spiritual reasons would affect both the child and mother. On the other hand, avoiding food at instance help the mother to remove the toxins from her body. Toxins loaded in the kidney, lungs, bladder, skin, intestinal track, respiratory track etc can be removed when avoiding food at some instances. However, this depends on the body condition of the women. In such cases the pregnant women has to take the advice of her doctor regarding her dietary habits. The culture of Islam states that fasting during first and second trimester of pregnancy is safer. This is also supported by the statement provided by ‘Dr. Shahid Athar; â€Å"according to him expectant based on health conditions can fast during the 1st and 2nd trimesters with the guidance and supervision from her obstetrician.† In a study conducted in Africa by researchers from Austin, nearly 89.5% of expectant women were fasting during the month of Ramadan. The result showed that blood glucose level in expectant mother who were fasting were significantly less than the normal amount which has resulted in gestational diabetes among these women. As no carbohydrate is available for producing glucose during the fasting period ketosis occur to avoid the loss of protein, which results in fall in insulin level and augmented weight loss. The research has proved that continuous fasting in pregnant women increase the risk of gestational diabetes, which results in over weight babies, caesarian, and stillbirth. Proper diet management under medical supervision and frequent blood testing for blood sugar can prevent gestational diabetes in pregnant women. Another research by â€Å"Kellymon has proved that fasting leads to dehydration, which thereby decreases the milk supply due to the decreased fluid level in the body.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Another study by Centre for Advance for health in 2000 has revealed that pregnant mothers who starved during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy has given birth to child who are at high risk of heart disease. Form the research studies it is clear that fasting in the name of spirituality has shown adverse effect on both the child and mother. Although the belief of the expectant mother has to be considered, health related issues due to fasting have to be given priority. Since, the effect of fasting affects not only the mother but also the child, such beliefs has to be considered. The impacts of fasting last on child’s health for longer period and even it grows for several generations. CONCLUSION   As pregnancy is a crucial period in women’s life special attention and care during this period is more important. Pregnant women in general should be away from stress and try to keep them relaxed and peaceful. Excess stress can create severe impact on women’s health and in child’s health and also can lead to preterm delivery and miscarriage. Focusing on positive lifestyle changes before and after pregnancy could yield better results by improving the health and intellect of the baby. Thus for safe and healthy pregnancy, it is always better to be planed to avoid all harmful behaviors.    REFERENCES Shahid Athar, â€Å"Effects of Fasting in Pregnant Women during Ramadan†, Journal of Islamic Medical Association, November 1987. Hadith, â€Å"Studies on Fasting during Ramadan†, Islamic Horizon, October 2003. Kevin Grove, â€Å"Overeating and its impact on child†, Oregon Health and Science University, September 2006 Kristen Hurley, Janet DiPietro, Kathleen Costigan and Laura Caulfield, â€Å"Stress and its Impact in Pregnant Women,† Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, June 2005.    David Martin, Dr. Jennifer Cropley, Catherine Suter, Kenneth Beckman, â€Å"Diet modification during pregnancy affects the child and the offspring†, Children Hospital and Research Centre at Oakland, December 2006. World Health Organization, â€Å"Obesity related to cardiovascular disease in children†, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, May 2005. Frank D. Gilliland, Yu-Fen Li, â€Å"Smoking during Pregnancy affects the Child and Grandchild†, Chest Vol. 128, No. 5, April 2005, Pp 1231-1241. Mozurkewich EL. â€Å"Working Conditions and Adverse Pregnancy Outcome.† Obstetrics and Gynecology 2001. 96:624-636.